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Madison, WI - Seventh Heaven Massage Studio

by Jay Semjonovs
(Madison, WI, USA)

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Seventh Heaven Massage Studio is located between West Side of Madison and the town of Middleton. The Seventh Heaven is a local massage therapy provider servicing Madison Metro area including Middleton and Verona.

If your current provider does not meet your needs or you just simply need to relax and you are looking for a massage therapy in Madison area - the Seventh Heaven Massage therapy is the right place for you. Our experienced staff will help you to personalize treatment that supports and empowers you on your healing path.

Are anxiety, stress and insomnia part of your everyday life? Does muscle and joint pain keep you from living an active life? Do you suffer from headaches, migraines, or poor circulation? Are you fed up with stubborn cellulite? If so, it’s time to reclaim your health.

My passion is to help others experience a life of radiant health and harmonious balance. My philosophy is simple: I am committed to helping my clients increase energy, mental balance and overall good health through the use of natural remedies.

Massage is one of the most ancient forms of natural healing. It increases circulation, strengthens connective tissues, improves mental alertness, strengthens the immune system, and promotes more restful sleep.

I specialize in deep tissue, trigger-point therapy, myofascial release, and sport massage. I also offer my clients natural cellulite remedies including massage cupping and Russian honey massage. I have helped hundreds of patients with a variety of health conditions including anxiety, depression, stress, muscle and joint disorders, and sport injuries. Let me help you reduce your daily stress, improve overall health and replenish your spirit.

To request an appointment call (608) 358-7242 or email [email protected]

Seventh Heaven Massage Studio
5317 Old Middleton Rd, Suite 102
Madison, WI 53705

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