Jin shin do uses a combination of shiatsu techniques and classic Chinese acupressure techniques. This combination of Oriental massage methods provides a relaxing massage that helps heal the body by unblocking qi (chi)--the body's life force.
This form of massage was developed in the 1970s by Iona Marsaa Teeguarden, a psychotherapist. She spent years learning acupressure techniques and meridian theory. As she studied she noticed similarities between somatic therapy and Oriental massage techniques. She did research with many bodyworkers and Taoist philosophers for many years.
During her course of study, she developed the idea of 30 points and release patterns. In 1978, she published a book explaining the basic theories and techniques of this type of bodywork.
This therapy takes elements from various therapies including:
Jin Shin Jyutsu
Qi Gong
Orgone Therapy
Ericksonian Psychotherapy
Taoist Philosophy
This therapy is done while you are fully clothed usually on a massage table. The therapist uses deep yet gentle finger pressure along the meridians to unblock qi. The therapy is combined with breathing techniques, verbal body-mind awareness techniques, focusing, and visualization.
This therapy can be used to treat a many conditions.
chronic pain
neck pain
joint pain
back pain
sleep disorders
digestive disorders
menstrual problems
This therapy is gentle and safe. It can be done on seniors, cancer patients and AIDS patients. The name Jin Sin Do means "Way of the compassionate spirit." The therapist provides you with gentle support throughout the therapy and helps you through all physical and emotional releases.
Books That May Interest You
Acupressure Way of Health
A Complete Guide to Acupressure
The Touch of Healing: Energizing the Body, Mind, and Spirit With Jin Shin Jyutsu