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Learn How to Massage

Friction is a basic stroke used in most types of massage. This massage stroke comes in three different variteties--cross-fiber, circular, and stripping. This stroke is ideal for more detailed work and for searching for small knots in muscles.

It's best to do a cross-fiber stroke without massage oil or lotion. When you do this stroke your trying to work deep muscles and tendons. To do the cross-fiber stoke you will be using your thumb or fingers to work across the muscle fibers. The stroke is short and quite deep. Here is a good video demonstration.

You can use a variety of tools to do circular friction. You can use your finger tips, thumbs, knuckles or even a massage tool such as a knobble if you have one. Place your tool on the spot that you'd like to work and slowly make small circles. Make these small circles in the whole area you are working.

Stripping can also be done with a variety of tools. Use whatever you feel comfortable using. This stroke follows the muscle fibers. I usually use my fingertips to do this. Think of the area you will work and imagine the direction that the muscle fibers are running. Now place your tool on the area and slowly move it from end to end of that muscle in a line. Work on the same spot a few times before you move on to the next one. Continue doing this until you've covered the whole muscle. This is the best diagnostic stroke.

Here is a video demonstration. The therapist does each of the these masssage strokes in this video.

Did you like that video? It just gives you an example of the things you need to know to give a great massage. These Online Massage Video courses provide more detailed instructions.







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