Your First Massage Therapy Appointment
You finally did it. You made your first massage therapy appointment. Now you're wondering what to expect. Many people are nervous about their first visit to the massage therapist. It is natural to have a fear of the unfamiliar, but the fear will disappear as soon as the massage starts. Massage therapists are professionals who are able to put people at ease. Never hesitate to address any concerns you have with the therapist. The therapist will be able to discuss those concerns in an easy and personable manner. When you go to your first massage appointment in a clinic and in some spa settings, you will be asked to fill out an intake form. This form asks for your name, telephone number and address for the clinic's files and so the therapist can follow up with you after treatment. The form also contains questions about your medical history. It is important to fill this out honestly. It's not good to get deep tissue work if you have certain conditions, such as peripheral neuropathy. The therapist must know about these things for your safety. If you are coming down with a cold or have even a touch of a fever you shouldn't get a massage. Massage might make the fever worse or the cold come on more quickly. The intake form will also contain a section that asks why you have come for the massage. If you are having any muscle pain you should indicate so there. That way your therapist can come up with the best possible plan for your treatment. After reviewing your paperwork the therapist will escort you to a treatment room. In the privacy of that room the therapist will ask you more questions about the information on your intake form to get a better understanding of what you expect and need from the massage. Then the therapist will tell you what to do to get ready and leave you alone in the room to undress. You should undress to your level of comfort. Some people undress completely and some leave their underwear on. No matter what you do you will be modestly covered by the sheet or towels provided. Once you have undressed get on the table as instructed under the drape (sheet or towel) provided. The therapist will knock and make sure you're ready before coming in. During your first massage if anything hurts or feels uncomfortable please let the therapist know. This information will help the therapist give you a better massage. The therapist will tailor the massage to you. After therapy be sure to follow the therapist's instructions. Some therapists will give you stretching exercises to do to help further loosen tense muscles. Always be sure to drink plenty of water after a massage. I usually tell my client to drink twice as much water as usual. Water will help flush toxins out of your system that were released during the massage. It will also help prevent you from being sore the following day. Now you know what to expect. Go out and enjoy your first massage. It won't be your last.
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