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Energy Massage Therapy

Energy massage therapy is among the gentlest types of massage therapy. Energy work concentrates on manipulating energy in and around your body to achieve health. Some of these therapies are hands on, but many don't require that the therapist touch you at all.

There are many healing traditions that deal with the energy that flows through the body. This energy is referenced in many Oriental massage traditions. It is referred to as Prana in India, Ki in Japan and Korea and Qi (Chi) in China.

This energy travels through paths in the body called meridians. Each meridian passes through a major organ and is named after the organ it passes through. When the energy in one of these meridians is blocked sickness and pain result. Unblocking the energy helps restore health.

energy massage

Here are some Oriental forms of energy massage therapy.

  • shiatsu
  • acupressure
  • polarity therapy
  • hilot
  • amma

In each of these forms of therapy the therapist uses hand, finger, elbow or foot pressure to gently unblock meridians and manipulate the flow of energy.

In energy theory there are also fields of energy that surround the body and can be manipulated. Have you ever heard of auras and reading auras? This field of energy sometimes referred to as an aura also helps control your health and well-being.

These therapies include:

  • reiki
  • therapeutic touch
  • aura massage
  • energy attunement
  • chakra balancing

These therapies both Eastern and Western all combine to form the larger body of therapy called engerywork or energy massage therapy. Each therapy is different and is used to treat different conditions.

While I have quite a bit of experience with Oriental massage modalities, I don't know much about things like aura massage or therapeutic touch. Honestly, I have my doubts about them. I took a reiki level one class quite a number of years ago and I wasn't impressed. I may have had a bad teacher, but it wasn't anything I felt like I could incorporate in my practice. Anyway, that's just my opinion. If you're interested in energywork check out these therapies to find out how you feel about them yourself.


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