smooth stones

Dayton, TX - EB's Relaxation Station

306 North Main Street, Suite F Dayton, TX 77535 (Inside Tan Liners)
Elizabeth Winn, LMT

(Swedish Massage)for complete relaxation ($55.00 / 1 Hour)

(Prenatal Massage) must be out of first trimester ($55.00 / 1 Hour)

(Therapeutic Massage)Deep Tissue to penetrate deep into the muscle fiber to help alleviate pain, muscle spasms, stress and tissue damage. ($55.00 / 1 Hour)

(Sports Massage) Deep tissue combined with stretching and assisted rotation of joints. Promotes flexibility, reduce swelling, relieves muscle tension and alleviates muscle fatigue. ($55.00/ 1 Hour)

(Sauna available) Enjoy 15-30 minutes in the sauna before your massage to help stress reduction, toxin release and reduce muscle and joint pain. ($15)

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