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CranioSacral Therapy
A Gentle Holistic Therapy

CranioSacral therapy (CST), sometimes called cranial sacral therapy, is one of the gentlest forms of bodywork. This holistic therapy is so gentle that it can be used to treat newborn infants. It is also an ideal alternative medicine treatment for the elderly.

CST was first discovered by John Upledger, an osteopathic physician. He did a series of experiments with histologist and neurophysiologist, Ernest W. Retzlaff, at the University of Michigan from 1975 to 1983. Upledger established the Upledger Institute in 1987 to further research CST and teach the technique to others.

The brain and spinal cord are bathed in a fluid called cerebrospinal fluid. The fluid and the dura mater that contain it form the craniosacral system. This system has its own rhythm that is a result of the fluid being pumped around the spinal cord and brain.

The craniosacral rhythm is different from your heartbeat or breathing. The therapist is able to feel the rhythm of your craniosacral system by placing her hands lightly on various areas of your body. The feet and ankles, thighs, hips, ribcage, shoulders, and head are all the key areas were your therapist will feel your rhythm. By checking these various points your therapist can determine where your rhythm is irregular or weak.

The therapist then uses a light touch, no greater than the weight of a nickel, to release restrictions in the fascia around the craniosacral system.

In your skull there are sutures. We're taught that as you become an adult the bones in your skull fuse. In reality they are still movable almost like joints. The therapist gently manipulates these bones to improve the flow of craniosacral fluid.

CranioSacral therapy is not just used to treat neurological disorders. It can be used to treat:

  • fibromyalgia
  • headaches
  • chronic pain
  • stress
  • temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ)
  • central nervous system disorders
  • chronic fatigue

I have to admit that when I first learned about CST I thought, "What a big pile of garbage! I can't believe people are going for this!" But I've changed my mind. When I was in massage school, a teacher demonstrated a CST session. What I saw of that first session really impressed me.

Then I went and sat in on a few sessions being done with another therapist. I got some CST done on me and it was amazing. I didn't know exactly what the therapist was doing, I mean it still didn't make any sense to me, but it worked, so I decided to learn how to do it.

I've used CST on many clients and have mostly seen great results, especially with clients who have fibromyalgia and chronic headaches. When I explain it to people there's a part of me that still thinks it sounds completely ridiculous but I have to say that it works.

During a CranioSacral therapy session you are fully clothed. You lay on your back and don't really have to do anything but relax. During the session you'll feel extremely relaxed. After the session you'll continue to feel relaxed.

If you want to learn more about this therapy I recommend reading Upledger's book, Your Inner Physician and You.


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