smooth stones

Chi Nei Tsang Massage

Chi nei tsang (CNT) means working the energy of the internal organs. This form of Chinese massage has roots in tsar philosophy and like many forms of Oriental massage focuses on the flow of qi (chi), the body's life force.

The History

chi nei tsang

CNT was originally used by Taoist monks to detoxify and strengthen their bodies. It also helped them balance their energy. CNT has a close association with qigong. It is sometimes called the art of using qigong on the internal organs.

This therapy was brought to the masses in modern times by Master Mantak Chia. Chia was born in Thailand and then moved to Hong Kong where he studied Tai Chi, Aikido and Kundalini Yoga. Eventually, he met a Taoist monk who was a practitioner of chi nei tsang. After studying the discipline extensively, he started to combine it with aspects of Thai massage, tai chi, and qigong.

What's it All About?

This gentle massage focuses mainly on the abdomen. Unlike acupressures or shiatsu, the therapist doesn't work on unblocking points along meridians. CNT therapists work directly on the organs the meridians pass through. It is based in the Traditional Chinese Medicine concept of the five elemental forces.

  • Metal - lungs and large intestines
  • Water - kidneys and bladder
  • Wood - liver and gallbladder
  • Fire - heart, small intestines, heart controller, triple burner (endocrine system)
  • Earth - stomach, pancreas, spleen, and lymphatic system

The Benefits

Chi nei tsang can be used to treat a variety of conditions.

  • constipation
  • diarrhea
  • spastic colon
  • ulcers
  • abdominal cramps
  • menstrual problems
  • digestive problems
  • abdominal pain

What to Expect

This massage is quite deep working and manipulating the internal organs. Though it is quite deep it isn't painful. It claims to help detoxify the internal organs increasing circulation of blood and lymph. It helps strengthen and reposition the organs. It can also help increase emotional well-being.

When you receive a treatment the therapist will massage your abdominal while you lay on a massage table. The therapist will also instruct you in in breathing, nutrition, visualization, and self-massage techniques.

Related Products

Chi Massage for the Vital Organs

Healing from Within: Applied Chi Kung in Internal Organs Treatment

Advanced CNT: Enhancing Chi Energy in the Vital Organs


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