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Cherry Hill, NJ and Greater Philadelphia area - Healing Hands Massage and Bodywork

by Nicole

Healing Hands pain relief Therapy massage and bodywork.Providing stress free healing space for our clients, We offer out call therapy to your home or office and bring the massage table to set up in a small open space, Making the healing experience relaxing and comfortable to our clients.

Healing Hands Specializes in Pain relief therapy bodywork, medical massage therapy,pain relief massage,structural and posture balancing,
every session is based on each individuals needs and focus points, if client is having low back pain or upper back pain the session will be based on healing the area of pain and also healing the whole body as a whole being, more time might be focused on the area where client is having pain,although during the session client will receive full bodywork and full body massage.(draping required)

Healing Hands provides out call therapy to help the healing process and allow the client to heal after the session and rest and relax in the comfort of their own home or office,no stress of travel or driving. Bring the therapy to you call now.

Healing hands pain relief therapy and structural bodywork combines healing bodywork with massage therapy sessions to give clients the ultimate healing, in session time clients posture and alignment will improve greatly and will get better and better with more regular sessions every week,benefiting the whole body, muscles, tendons,connective tissues,decrease inflammation,scar tissue,this therapy speeds up the healing process and balances the brain and body connection,balances the emotional body as well.

Relieve sinus congestion and helps breathing,promotes relaxation, helps eye sight,relieves: migraines headaches,wrist pain,arm pain,shoulder pain,back pain, low back pain, upper back pain, neck pain or neck tension,hip or joint pain,foot or leg pain,chest tension,stomach pain or cramping,muscle spasms,nerve spasms,relaxing the nervous system and heals the body systems,and any kind of body pain.

Bodywork-massage-energy healing

I have been doing pain relief therapy and massage/bodywork for ten years, i have been trained in collard method bodywork and medical massage therapy, i have trained in Philadelphia PA & New Jersey.
Also I have been trained in energy healing and body talk and brain and body balancing,muscle testing,structural and posture balancing,body alignment,pain relief and pain prevention,Swedish,deep tissue,sports,myo-facial,structural integration.

During Clients first session: We will discuss your goals and what areas client wants to work on healing,I will look over the body when client is standing and lying down to see what areas need to be focused upon,i will explain to the client what areas of the body need to be worked on and what areas might need special natural healing creams or oils to help the muscles heal and reduce inflammation for the techniques to work more effectively,using all natural creams and oils to apply heat or cooling effects to the body to help heal inflammation,increase circulation,increase positive energy and reduce pain.
The client may be asked to lay on his/her back and stomach during the session to properly heal the whole body,bodywork techniques and massage techniques will be applied to assist each client individually and heal pains in focused area. Light to medium pressure is applied with most techniques and deep pressure is only applied when client's ask for deep pressure.

Out Call Therapy
Monday 9am-5pm
tuesday 2pm-10pm
wednesday 9am-5pm
thursday 2pm-10pm
friday 9am-10pm
saturday 9am-10pm
sunday closed

In Call Therapy
(will be avail soon two days, please contact if interested in incall location )
By appointment only.

Healing Hands Pain Relief Therapy
E Mail : [email protected]

pain free days are just ahead,schedule regular sessions for the best benefits of the healing with Pain Relief Therapy bodywork and massage.
Out Calls All Week, call in advance to book your session time and day , thank you .

Gentleman please be gentleman, thank you .

Comments for
Cherry Hill, NJ and Greater Philadelphia area - Healing Hands Massage and Bodywork

Average Rating

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Feb 14, 2024
great experience very professional
by: peter

hard to get in touch with you by e mail nicole but after talking to you on the phone and meeting you, i was very pleased with the service and will call you next week for regular sessions .

Feb 14, 2024
totally the best therapist
by: joe

totally the best therpist and best bodywork and massage ive had , thanks nicole

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