smooth stones

Charleston, SC - DEFINED: Therapeutic Massage

by Jarrod C. Fritz, LMT
(Charleston, SC, USA)

1300 Savannah Hwy. Unit #6
Charleston, SC 29456
(Inside Advanced Spinal Care)

Phone: 843.813.1200
Email: [email protected]

Owned and operated Jarrod C. Fritz, LMT and serving the Charleston area for over 9 years, DEFINED: Therapeutic Massage is treatment facility that takes a personalized approach to YOUR therapeutic massage needs. Specializing in flexibility training, sports massage, myofascial, trigger point, DEFINED: Therapeutic Massage will cater to what it is that you specifically need. Whether you are in pain, fatigued, overstressed, or just want to maintain your healthy style, DEFINED: will utilize postural analysis and thorough communication to help you move, feel, and BE better.

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