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Certified Massage Therapy Training
Getting Your Certification in Massage

Getting certified massage therapy training is key building a successful massage career. You can't just decide you're going to be a massage therapist, put out a sign and start practicing. Well in most places you can't. Some areas have little to no requirements to practice massage. Whether or not your area requires training, I suggest that you get training before beginning to practice.

When you work as a therapist, you are dealing with people with health problems. If you don't have proper training you could end up hurting someone rather than helping them. I think many places don't require enough training. I went to school for nine months before getting my license. In my opinion in order to be prepared to really help someone your training should be longer and more in depth. I did go to a school that was considered to be a good school in my area. I just think that many massage programs leave students under prepared.

In order to be seen as a professional in the field of massage you must get properly trained and licensed for the area in which you live. While massage is regulated in most places, the requirements to become a massage therapist can vary greatly from region to region. When you choose a massage therapy school it's important that you make sure the school is accredited. Also check the curriculum thoroughly to make sure they provide you with all of the credits you need to get certified massage therapy training in your area. Click here to find state massage requirements. Once you find out what is required for your state you can go to the massage school directory on this site to find a school in your area. .

If you attend a good school, they should help you through the certification process preparing you thoroughly to take the licensure test required in your state. Most state require you to take National Certification Examination for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. They may also require you to take a state examination. Some states don't require the National Certification Examination for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, but you may want to become nationally certified for massage anyway.

National certification is more than just another piece of paper to hang on the wall in your office. It shows that you've gotten the best massage education possible, proves a level of competency in the field, and that you are willing to follow the code of ethics of the field. You find out more about nationally certification at National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) website.

You can search for NCBTMB practice exams online to see what the exam will be like. I don't know about you, but I always like to take a practice exam so I know what I'm in for.

Once you get certified massage therapy training, you'll be confident that you have the practical knowledge required to be an excellent therapist. Combine this knowledge with business savvy and your career possibilities are boundless.


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