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Cat Massage
Pet Massage Therapy

Cat massage can be used to calm an anxious cat and strengthen the bond between cat and owner. Pet massage therapy benefits cats in the same ways massage benefits people. Learn how to give a massage that your cat will love.

When you massage your cat you can use it as an opportunity to look for anything abnormal on their skin. You can find areas of tenderness or swelling that could be the signs of a serious condition. Massage can help cats become more socialized and friendly towards humans. Massaging your cat also helps calm you down, lowering your blood pressure and helping you feel more relaxed.

When you give a cat massage be sure to do it gently. Deep pet massages should be done by professionals who are trained in animal massage.

You can use the same strokes used in regular massage for cat massage. Effluerage and friction are especially good for massaging your cat.

cat massage

Start the massage doing something you know your cat likes. Most cats love to be scratched behind the ears, on the cheeks or under the chin. Start out doing these things to calm the cat down. Now that you've done that your cat is relaxed and ready to accept being massaged.

Now use your open, relaxed hand to pet your cat from the top of the head to the tail. Do this a few times. This is an effluerage stroke. It's a good diagnostic tool and is used to warm up tissue and stimulate circulation. As you do this stroke, check for areas that are hot or cold. Look for swelling and bumps. Don't massage any areas that are swollen.

Now use your fingertips to do small slow circular strokes--circular friction--down your cat's body. Remember that every animal is different. If your cat starts getting too frisky and trying to play with your hand quit the massage and do it some other time. It may take a few times before your cat gets used to the idea of being massaged.

Massage your cat all over. Don't forget the tail. Most cats don't feel comfortable having their hind legs touched. With time your cat may allow it or may not. Massaging your cat in a way that it will enjoy is more important than trying to massage your whole cat. Remember you want cat massage to be a relaxing experience for both of you.

Generally, if you massage a cat's belly that's an invitation to play, but some cats are perfectly relaxed when they get their belly rubbed. If you do massage your cat's belly remember to be gentle. Use only the lightest touch there.

Don't massage cats who are feverish or who have cancer.

Cats just love this. Here's a cat that loves to have her face and neck massaged.

Some Books You May Enjoy

The Healing Touch for Cats: The Proven Massage Program for Cats, Revised Edition

Getting in Touch with your Cat

How to Massage Your Cat


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