smooth stones

Combining Thai Massage and Partner Yoga

Breema is a meditative form of bodywork that has been described as a cross between Thai massage and partner yoga. This form of bodywork originated in a Kurdish village called Breemava where the practice was passed down from generation to generation.

This form of bodywork became known in the U.S. largely because of the efforts of Jon Schreiber, D.C. It was taught to him by Malouchek Mooshan who moved to the San Francisco area from Kurdistan in the 1980's.

Schreiber added upon the basic principles of the bodywork he learned from Mooshan. Schreiber opened a clinic in the 1980s where this bodywork is still practiced and taught.

The practice is based on The Nine Principles of Harmony.

  • Body Comfortable
  • No Extra
  • Firmness and Gentleness
  • Full Participation
  • Mutual Support
  • No Judgment
  • Single Moment/Single Activity
  • No Hurry/No Pause
  • No Force

The goal is to promote harmony between the mind, body and emotions. Achieving this harmony helps your body start healing itself. Practitioners believe that this aspect of the therapy makes it beneficial when applied to any condition you may be dealing with.

During a session you stay fully clothed, preferably in loose comfortable clothing and lay on a padded floor. The practitioner gently rocks your body and pulls and pushes your limbs. You are completely relaxed during the session and don't help the practitioner do these movements at all. A typical session can last anywhere from twenty minutes to an hour.

Another aspect of this therapy is Self-Breema. This is a series of movements that help you relax and increases the connection between mind and body. Here's an example of what it's like.

Some Books by Jon Schreiber, D.C.

The Nine Principles of Harmony

Self-Breema: Exercises for Harmonious Life

Every Moment Is Eternal







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