Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy ®
Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy ® is a form of trigger point therapy that includes self-help techniques to help speed the recovery process. The therapy is non-invasive and is generally quite successful in relieving musculoskeletal pain. This therapy has its roots in Dr. Janet Travell's trigger point injection therapy and immediate mobilization pioneered by Dr. Hans Kraus. Bonnie Prudden, a health and fitness activist, combined elements of these two therapies to create an efficient, cost effective therapy for healing. Prudden became well known in the US when she met with President Eisenhower about the terrible physical health of America's children. After that meeting, she worked to establish various fitness programs around the country. While visiting a hospital, Prudden discovered that she could relieve the pain experience by a woman receiving trigger point injection therapy by using her fingers to put pressure on the trigger point sites. After more study and experimentation she opened a school in 1979 to treat others this same therapy. Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy ® is 95 percent successful in treating chronic pain conditions. This includes the pain suffered from by people with multiple sclerosis, arthritis, lupus, cancer and AIDS. Many chronic pain sufferers see immediate results after a session and are pain free within 10 sessions. Therapists undergo intensive training. It's important that you make sure your therapist has been properly trained to get good results. Untrained therapists can end up doing you more harm than good. During the therapy you stay fully clothed and lay on a massage table. The session lasts from 60 to 90 minutes and the therapist will teach you exercises to do at home to help you become and stay pain free.
Some Books that May Interest YouMyotherapy: Bonnie Prudden's Complete Guide to Pain-Free Living How to Relieve Pain (Trace Pain to Its Source and Learn Method to Relieve It)
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