Barefoot Deep Tissue Massage
Barefoot deep tissue massage is one of the newer types of massage therapy. The techniques used in this modality provide you with a deep therapeutic massage with no stress to the therapist's body. This form of barefoot massage was created by John Harris. After a number of years working as a massage therapist, Harris started to notice the strain and stress giving massages put on his body. Though he was experiencing problems massaging because of injuries, he wanted to continue the work. Overtime, he developed this style of massage so that he could give his clients the deep tissue work they wanted without injuring himself. In massage, there is a long tradition of the therapist using their feet to work on their clients. In Asian countries like China, Japan and Thailand and even on some Polynesian islands therapists sometimes use their feet to give massages. The benefit of using the feet to give a massage is that it allows the therapist to apply more pressure to tight muscles. The foot is a broader surface than the hand this allows the therapist to apply more pressure without it being painful. The therapist uses the heel and the bone at the outer edge of the foot to apply pressure. Compressive strokes are used in combination with trigger point therapy and myofascial release techniques. The broad area of the foot makes the deep pressure more comfortable. This therapy can be used to treat the same types of conditions as deep tissue therapy, including headaches and general muscle pain. During the massage, you'll lay on the floor in loose comfortable clothing. The therapist will give you pillows to prop yourself up comfortably. You will be asked to change positions sometimes to help the therapist access certain muscles better. The therapy is quite relaxing and many people experience immediate results.
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