smooth stones

Bamboo Massage Therapy

Bamboo massage therapy is increasing in popularity. Given most often in spas in the West, this type of massage therapy is soothing while being quite deep. During the session the therapist uses bamboo tools to perform the massage.

bamboo massage

Bamboo is a sturdy versatile plant that is found in abundance throughout Asia. It can be used to make cloth and even used to build houses. The plant has traditional significance in many countries. It symbolizes strength of character, resilience, flexibility, honesty, and simplicity.

This type of massage originates in Malaysia, but combines elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tibetan bodywork and Polynesian styles.

During the therapy you will lay on a massage table. The therapist uses large amounts of massage oil to allow the bamboo to glide evenly over the skin. The bamboo tools are warmed to help them warm your muscle tissue making it easier for the therapist to massage you more deeply.

The tools vary in size and shape so they can easily be used to massage all areas of your body. Longer sticks of various widths are used for gliding strokes. Smaller tools can be used for more detailed work.

The bamboo helps the therapist give you a deep massage. She only has to use a minimal amount of physical exertion to penetrate deep underlying layers of tissue.

This type of massage can be used to treat a variety of chronic pain conditions, including back pain and headaches.

Next time you notice bamboo massage offered on a spa brochure, try it. You may decide to make this soothing deep tissue therapy part of your regular health routine.


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