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Ask Your Massage Therapist These Questions

You can ask your massage therapist a few questions before you book your first massage appointment. This will help you decide if the therapist is appropriate for you. It will also help you know what to expect when you get your massage. Therapists should be open and willing to answer questions from a client over the phone before an appointment. They know that some people have concerns about getting a massage for the first time and are able to ease those worries.

There are many different types of massage. Each type can help treat different conditions and will provide you with a different experience. Some massages require a firmer touch. Others are quite light. Most therapies use a massage table, but some use a mat on the floor. Some therapies will require you to undress and others are done while you are fully clothed. Knowing what you are comfortable with will help you choose a therapy that is most appropriate for you.

Depending on where you live, some people are able to open massage businesses with little or no training. Sadly, some massage therapy businesses are fronts for seedy activities.

To sort the fake therapists from the real therapists and find out if the style of massage they practice is right for you, you can ask your therapist a few initial questions. Here are some examples of questions you may want to ask.

What certifications do you have?

Which massage school did you attend?

How long have you been practicing massage?

What kind of draping will be used during the massage?

What kind of oil or lotions will you use?

What type of massage techniques will you use?

Can I request lighter or deeper pressure during the massage?

What forms of payment do you accept?

Getting these questions answered will help determine if your therapist is experienced. It will also help you know what to expect during your massage.

Some of these questions may be answered on your therapist's website. Ask if they have a website, visit it and read the information thoroughly to get an idea about what the clinic is like and what to expect from your massage.

Are you ready to find a therapist near you? Check out our massage therapists directory.


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