smooth stones

How to Find Affordable Massage Services

Some people don't get regular massages because they think they are too expensive. As a former therapist, I don't think that therapists overcharge for massage. In my area, I've seen many people undercharging for their services and frankly, I think that is ashame.

I realize that there are many people out there who feel like they just can't afford to get a massage and still pay all of their bills. You may not believe it, but there are places where you can get an affordable massage. If you know where to look you can find a good deal

Here are some tips you can use to make bodywork more affordable for you.

Get a Shorter Massage

The price of massage varies depending on where you live. Generally a relaxation massage costs less than a therapeutic massage. Specific modalities tend to cost more. Many places offer half hour massages. This is a good option to cut down on price if you can't afford an entire hour.

affordable massage

Join a Massage Membership Program

You might want to consider joining the program Massage Envy offers. There you pay a monthly membership fee. This fee covers the cost of one massage a month. You'll be charged a low discounted rate for any additional massages you get in a month. Right now Massage Envy charges $49 per month for a membership. You can find out more about their program here.

Contact Your Insurance Provider

Insurance companies are paying for less and less these days, but some plans do cover massage. Call your provider and ask. They are more likely to cover massage if you see a massage therapist in a chiropractor's office. If you have a special condition that massage has been proven to benefit, you will also have a better chance at getting your insurance company to cover it.

Attend a Massage School Clinic

Most massage schools have clinics. These programs help more advance students get experience working with the public. You'd generally have to book your massage a few weeks in advance, but the cost of getting massaged at a massage school is pretty cheap. Students are well-trained and by the time they're massaging in clinic, they are very capable at massage.

Find Out About New Client Discounts

Some massage places offer a discount to first time customers. Check local fliers for massage ads and call around to different places to find out if they offer a first time discount. While this is a way to get a discount, I would recommend that you try to see the same therapist all the time instead of using this method. That way your therapist will get to know your physical conditions and can track your progress with each treatment.

Consider Your Priorities

If you really think you need to get a massage because of a health concerns but are still concerned about the cost, you need to consider your priorities. Many people go out to eat a lot or go to the movies several times a month, but say they can't afford a massage. Cutting back on those activities can help you afford a massage. Self massage does help, but you should still try to see a massage professional at least once a month.


Another way to get an affordable massage is by learning techniques to massage yourself. Sign up for my newsletter and get a free ebook all about self-massage. Sign up in the box in the right sidebar.

Exchange Massages

You and a friend can both learn to give massages and massage each other. You can learn how to give a massage online. Here's a good online course to try.

There are ways to get an affordable massage, you just have to know where to look.


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