Acu-yoga is a cross between yoga and acupressure that can be used to relieve stress and pain. This type of bodywork is a wonderful self-care technique that anyone can use. It combines yoga postures with the stimulation of acupressure points.
What are Acupressure and Yoga?
As with other therapies based on ideas in Traditional Chinese Medicine, the concept behind it is that the body contains a life force or life energy. This energy is called qi (chi), ki, or prana. Qi flows through the body on pathways called meridians. When qi is flowing freely through those meridians you are healthy. When qi is blocked along the path of the meridian, you have illness or dysfunction. Acupressure works to unblock qi. Find out more about acupressure.
You can think of the flow of qi through the body as something simular to the flow of a river or stream. If it gets blocked in one area the qi gets backed up in the body. This causes a deficiency in one area and an over abundance in another area. It is much like water would behave if blocked by a dam. Putting pressure on certain points will help unblock the qi allowing it to flow freely.
Yoga is a discipline started in India that uses mediation, breathing exercises and physical exercises to achieve liberation. This powerful mediative exercise can be modified to suit people of all different physical levels.
The yoga postures used in this therapy natural stimulate some acupressure points. The practitioner also stimulates additional acupressure points with their fingers while doing the yoga postures. This helps relax the muscles and ease stress. Combining breathing exercises with that causes it to work even better.
The Benefits
Acu-yoga increases circulation and loosens muscles. You'll find that it increases your flexibility making it easier to move around in general. It can be used to help treat the following conditions:
menstruation pain
back tension
shoulder tension
neck tension
high blood pressure
How to Practice it
I bought the book
last year. It was originally published in the 70s and features lots of 70s style pictures. I love the book. If I'm having some kind of problem like menstrual pain I use the techniques and find that they do alleviate some of my pain. It is well written and easy to understand. If you're interested in yoga and acupressure and want a good book that will teach you some self-care techniques I definitely recommend it.
Here's a video example of what this therapy is like.
The Risks
Not too long ago the a the New York Times wrote a piece called How Yoga Can Wreck Your Body. In it they discussed some injuries that can occur from practicing yoga. It's an interesting piece, but I do take some issue with it. From what I read it seemed like most of the injured people mentioned in the article where practicing yoga to an unhealthy extreme. Anything done to an extreme can be detrimental to you.
When you are doing yoga postures don't push yourself too hard. Find the comfortable edge of a stretch and don't force yourself beyond that. Increased flexibility will come with time. Forcing stretches cause soft tissue injuries. As you practice your body will adjust to the postures and you will improve without having to force yourself. I would especially be careful with doing back bends. You're spine in is delicate and any postures that hyperextend the back should be done with care. If you experience pain in any pose back off of the pose or even come out of it all together. Ease into poses gently. Be kind to yourself.